Yellow Goldfish

A cashier in a store smiles while talking to a customer at a checkout counter labeled "Chat Checkout.

Jumbo Supermarket creates slow checkouts on purpose

This is amazing! Dutch retailer Jumbo Supermarkten has created “slow checkouts.” Hat tip to Wendy Lloyd Curley for sharing this pink goldfish with me yesterday. Called “Klets-Kassa” (translated to Chat Checkout) these are slow checkout lanes where customers are encouraged to chat with the cashier. The pilot occurred during the summer of 2019 as a part of the Dutch […]

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Forrest Gump didn’t create the smiley face. The science behind the smile

Forrest Gump didn’t create the smiley face. Harvey Ross Ball gets credit for that moment of genius. An artist and ad guy, Ball was commissioned in 1963 to create a graphic to help raise morale for employees of an insurance company that had been through a few tough mergers and acquisitions. The goal? Get the

Forrest Gump didn’t create the smiley face. The science behind the smile Read More »

Yellow Goldfish

Version 5.0 of business sees happiness at the center of it all

Happiness is the ultimate WHY, the most sustainable competitive advantage and the ultimate currency in the Purpose Economy. It offers a competitive advantage because when we buy, work, and live to pursue and attain happiness; we buy more, work better and live longer and healthier lives when we are happy. The search for happiness drives

Version 5.0 of business sees happiness at the center of it all Read More »

Poster on a brick wall with the text "Less is More: How Simplicity Drives Productivity" and logos of Apple, Netflix, and T-Mobile.

LESS IS MORE: How simplicity is the key to productivity and happiness

How does Apple, T-Mobile and Netflix take a Marie Kondo approach to business? My Forbes post a year ago looks at how simplicity is the key to productivity and happiness. Productivity in the U.S. last year took a surprising sharp dip. The third quarter saw its biggest decline in 4 years. Hours worked rose 2.4

LESS IS MORE: How simplicity is the key to productivity and happiness Read More »