Less Financials. More Experience

Less Financials. More Experience

Is Elon right? “There’s the M.B.A.-ization of America, which I think is maybe not that great. There should be more focus on the product or service itself, less time on board meetings, less time on financials.” Musk made the comments during The Wall Street...
It’s Not About The Money

It’s Not About The Money

IT’S NOT ABOUT THE MONEY. Doing a signature little extra in customer experience doesn’t have to cost anything. Here are three examples: 1. BMW of Darien courtesy of Jack Sarsen:”When I dropped my car off for service, I had to move 2 car seats to the...
Smashing The Trojan Horse

Smashing The Trojan Horse

The Trojan Horse of Employee Experience in DX needs to be smashed. Organizations need to start taking small steps to add value to the experience over time. Here is a great analysis by Peter Fryar on the concept of Trojan Mice: Much change is of the “Trojan...
Messy VS. Organized

Messy VS. Organized

It’s good to be neat and it’s bad to be messy. Isn’t it? At least that’s what we’re told. We’ve all heard that cleanliness is next to godliness and a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind. Most people believe that they would be happier and more successful...