YOU ARE INVITED. David Rendall and I will do a virtual launch for “P!NK GOLDF!SH 2.0 – DEFY NORMAL AND EXPLOIT IMPERFECTION” on Tuesday, July 6th at noon EST. Register here:
We’ll share how can you create one of the few organizations that become extraordinary? P!NK GOLDF!SH 2.0 is about helping you compete more effectively by becoming truly different.
What’s the book about? The book is broken into three main sections:
Section I outlines the Why:
P!NK 2.0 explores the need to embrace weirdness and amplify weakness to differentiate in business. We reveal how everything we’ve learned about weakness is wrong. We show how every weakness has a corresponding strength. We examine the seven reasons to embrace weirdness. The section ends with an explanation of our metaphor of the Pink Goldfish.
Section II showcases the What:
Here we examine the concept of being F.L.A.W.S.O.M.E. This is the idea of embracing your flaws. You can succeed because of your flaws, not despite them. We use F.L.A.W.S.O.M.E. as our acronym for the eight types of Pink Goldfish. We share our flaunting matrix and each type: Flaunting, Lopsiding, Antagonizing, Withholding, Swerving, Opposing, Micro-weirding, and Exposing. This section points out the ways to stand out by doing more of what makes you inherently imperfect, and intentionally less of what others consider normal and strong in business.
Section III explains the How:
Here we share the process of finding your own Pink Goldfish. We delve into the six A’s. The first A is Assess, and it involves understanding what makes you imperfect. The second A is Appreciate. Appreciation is accepting and taking ownership of your uniqueness. The third A is Align. Aligning is about finding those areas of weirdness and weakness that resonate with your customer and create meaningful differentiation. The fourth A is Amplifi. Amplification is the process of turning up or turning down the dial to bring your differentiation to life. The fifth A is Augment. Augmenting is combining two or more strategies to become even more unique. The sixth and final A is Attack. Attack will provide insight on how to exploit the weaknesses of your competition.
Look forward to seeing you for the virtual launch on July 6th.
Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Stan Phelps walks the walk. He stands out in the sea of sameness by modeling his own Differentiated Experience (DX) message: Differentiation isn’t just about what you say, it’s about what you do and, more importantly, how and why you do it. Stan leverages his unique collection of 5,000+ case studies on customer, employee, and brand experience to engage audiences with informative learning-based experiences. He believes purposeful DX wins the hearts of employees and customers, and differentiation ultimately boosts loyalty, retention, referrals, and results.
Find Stan’s in-person and virtual keynotes, workshops, and Goldfish tank programs at