What’s your B.A.N.G?

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Silhouette of a person with a megaphone, projecting a fish symbol into the sky. Text reads, "WHAT'S YOUR B.A.N.G?" on a blue background.

Looking for your next keynote speaker or workshop presentation?

What’s your B.A.N.G? A BANG is not to be confused with a BHAG.

Defined by Jim Collins in “Built to Last”:

“A true BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is clear and compelling, serves as unifying focal point of effort, and acts as a clear catalyst for team spirit. It has a clear finish line so the organization can know when it has achieved the goal.”

A BANG is more intrinsic and purpose-driven. Popularized by author Mike Michalowicz, it’s your big bold audacious noble goal)

In Mike’s words,

“I have come to believe BHAG is not the best term. I think Big BANG is better. It’s the big vision we have for ourselves in our lives and in our business. Someone told me this term, I don’t even remember who and he said, ‘No, no, no, it’s missing one critical component, the BHAG is missing nobility.’ A BANG speaks to what our soul calls out to do so. What’s the impact you’re trying to have on the world?”

My purpose is to change a paradigm in marketing. Focus more on the differentiated experience (DX) to the customer and less on the promise to the prospect. Four years ago, I created a Big BANG. The goal was to speak at every American Marketing Association Chapter by the end of 2020. There’s 72 of them. This week I did Chapter 65 and 66. I’m closing in.

What’s your Big BANG?

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