by Stan Phelps | Oct 28, 2021 | Gray Goldfish
Today’s leaders must be able to manage the gray.In preparation for the 2018 season, the Phillies, Mets, Red Sox, Yankees, and Nationals all replaced veteran managers with younger skippers.The differences in age were dramatic.The five managers ranged from eight...
by Stan Phelps | Jul 2, 2021 | Yellow Goldfish
Forrest Gump didn’t create the smiley face. Harvey Ross Ball gets credit for that moment of genius. An artist and ad guy, Ball was commissioned in 1963 to create a graphic to help raise morale for employees of an insurance company that had been through a few tough...
by Stan Phelps | Jan 8, 2021 | Green Goldfish
Two ways to renew employee engagement and increase productivity in 2021. Leverage the concepts of REDUCE & RECHARGE: Let’s start with RECHARGE. DeLisa Alexander, the CPO at Red Hat shared an interesting new policy called Quarterly Recharge Days in Fast...