Modern Family

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modern family

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Families have changed. Today’s employers need to prepare for things such as infertility, adoption, parental leave, daycare, returning workers, and eldercare.

It is critical that companies support employees so they can address family needs. This allows them to feel supported and focused. Little extras can make a huge difference.

Here are five examples:

1. Wendy’s offers adoptive employees a combination of up to $24,300 in adoption assistance and up to six weeks paid adoption leave.

2. At Eli Lilly, expectant mothers are allowed to take one month of paid leave before their due date.

3. Bain & Company offers a backup child and adult care program called Parents in a Pinch.

4. Aetna Life & Casualty reduced resignations of new mothers by 50 percent by extending its unpaid parental leave policy to six months.

5. Stew Leonard’s offers “Mom’s hours,” enabling mothers to work while their children are in school and take off the whole summer.

According to the New York Times:

“These kinds of benefits are a departure from the upscale cafeteria meals, massages, and other services intended to keep employees happy and productive while [at the office]. And the goal is not just to reduce stress for employees, but for their families, too.”

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