I can distinctly remember having a conversation with a law school classmate named John. John was from South Carolina. He was sharing his thoughts about his summer job working in a law office in the Palmetto State. When I asked if he’d considered staying on full-time after school, he shook his head,

“No way.”

When prodded further, John revealed that he had an issue with the partner that was managing him. “He doesn’t give any attaboys.”

I had never heard that word before, but no explanation was needed. John felt his work wasn’t appreciated or recognized at the firm.

In the words of Angela Maiers, “YOU MATTER. These two words can change your mood, change your mind, and have the power to change lives and the world if we understand and leverage them in the right way.” Recognition resonates in the workplace. 35% of workers cite frequent recognition of accomplishments as the most effective non-monetary reward. Thanking people for their work is key to making them feel appreciated.

Recognition fuels a sense of worth in individuals. Dale Carnegie spoke to the importance of recognition over 80 years ago. “Be lavish in your praise and hearty in your approbation.”

How are you giving attaboys and attagirls to your team members during this time of uncertainty?