by Stan Phelps | Apr 18, 2022 | Silver Goldfish
The SILVER BULLET to be a great presenter is ,..It is the magical elixir and the simple solution for the difficult problem of presenting well …There is no silver bullet.It takes thought, work, and the ability to be different to stand out in a sea of sameness. No...
by Stan Phelps | Apr 4, 2022 | Silver Goldfish
What’s the ONE thing that can derail a presentation? It’s not visuals, it’s the overuse of . . .TEXTText can kill your presentation. There is a funny saying about presentations. Let me spell it out for you in eight words:- Guns do not – Kill...
by Stan Phelps | Aug 5, 2021 | Silver Goldfish
“Facts tell, stories sell.” This quote by Bryan Eisenberg reinforces the importance of leveraging the power of story when presenting. Why? Because leveraging stories makes your message memorable. Memorability is the holy grail of presenting.Here are three...