The Goldfish Series Of Books

10 years and 11 different colors, metals, and one gem in the Goldfish Series. Here is the progression of 10 years and 11 different colors, metals, and one gem in the Goldfish Series. My first book Purple Goldfish came out in January 2012 and the Goldfish series was...
The Four Market Force Behavioral Styles

The Four Market Force Behavioral Styles

What’s your behavioral style? Are you a Casey, an Izzy, a Peyton, or an Avery?MEET CASEYCasey is a hard-charging thinker who usually sits in the front of the room. Typically well dressed and image-conscious, Casey wants to accomplish big things and can come...
The Golden Rule is a bad rule

The Golden Rule is a bad rule

“Do unto others’ or ‘Treat unto others like you want to be treated’ is not good enough to meet consumers’ expectations anymore. And the sooner we understand and embrace that, the better off we’re going to be. Particularly in this new economy we’re in...