by Stan Phelps | Nov 18, 2021 | Purple Goldfish
WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A COMPETITOR?The Zappos Family of Companies does. In Purple Goldfish 2.0, we share an example of this from Joe Gascoigne. In his words:“As for an example, one that springs to mind is that if you try to order shoes from Zappos and they do not have...
by Stan Phelps | Sep 13, 2021 | Purple Goldfish
“This must be the work of Lord Vader!” This was the response from the LEGO Group when a customer reached out about a missing bag of pieces for his set. And it wasn’t an ordinary set. Jason Aten shared the story of how John purchased the Star Wars Mos...
by Stan Phelps | Sep 3, 2021 | Purple Goldfish
Friday Trivia Trifecta: 1. What did Mark Twain say was a word worth traveling to New Orleans to get? 2. What’s the origin of the Baker’s Dozen? 3. Why are donut boxes pink?Background: Good friend and fellow speaker Tom Triumph was in New Orleans two weeks...
by Stan Phelps | Mar 5, 2021 | Yellow Goldfish
Years ago Doug Dietz wrapped up a project working on a brand new, beautiful GE MRI machine. While he was proudly waiting to see his design live in the hospital he encountered a young patient about to be scanned. She was clearly terrified, tears rolling down her face....