
Business strategy

What ZEBRAS can teach us about human motivation and business strategy

What ZEBRAS can teach us about human motivation and business strategy… Dr. Jordan Peterson uses an insight from Stanford biologist Dr. Robert Sapolsky about zebras to explain a fundamental aspect of human behavior. Zebras (they are black with white stripes) are not camouflaged against their surrounding environment. Instead, they are camouflaged to blend in with […]

What ZEBRAS can teach us about human motivation and business strategy Read More »

The Godfather

All you need to know about business, you can learn from the movie, “The Godfather”

All you need to know about business, you can learn from the movie, “The Godfather.” Here are two things the iconic 50-year-old film got right and wrong about business. For background, next week the original in the trilogy turns 50. The adaptation of the Mario Puzo novel, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, debuted in theaters

All you need to know about business, you can learn from the movie, “The Godfather” Read More »

Jay Baer

“You need something different, and distinct, and memorable. If you want more stories told about you, you need to be worthy of a story.” -Jay Baer

“You need something different, and distinct, and memorable. If you want more stories told about you, you need to be worthy of a story.” This is my favorite quote from the Foreword to “Pink Goldfish 2.0 – Defy Normal and Exploit Imperfection” by Jay Baer. You can read the entire Foreword in the carousel post

“You need something different, and distinct, and memorable. If you want more stories told about you, you need to be worthy of a story.” -Jay Baer Read More »


The growth of a goldfish is a metaphor for growth in business and the importance of differentiation

The growth of a goldfish is a metaphor for growth in business and the importance of differentiation. The average common goldfish is just over 3 inches. Yet the largest in the world is nearly 19 inches. That’s almost six times the average size! For comparison, imagine walking down the street and bumping into someone who

The growth of a goldfish is a metaphor for growth in business and the importance of differentiation Read More »