Stan Phelps helps forward-thinking organizations drive consumer loyalty and growth.​

Three purple fish silhouettes swimming to the right on a dark background.

Find Your Best-Match Program

With over 18 possible keynote speaking presentations, workshops, and GOLDFISH TANK programs available to meet your ever-evolving needs, I’ve created this 2-minute, 6-question quiz to help you understand which program is best for you and your audience.

I've had the pleasure of working with teams at:

Every time we do business together, Something amazing happens in the world!

Two students in blue uniforms smile while washing their hands at an outdoor tap.

When we complete a GOLDFISH TANK, we give 1001 days of clean water to school children

Collage of three images: a person washing hands, a child drawing with colored pencils, and a group of people sitting outdoors with some raising their hands.

When we complete a GLOBAL engagement, we give 365 days of clean water access in Peru, 120 days of learning aids in Malaysia, and 50 days of business training for women in Malawi

Hand placing a brick on a surface with text: "One Book = One Brick" and an Amazon logo.

When someone downloads a GOLDFISH eBook, we give one brick toward building school facilities in Cambodia

Discover the Impact

Download Stan’s Speaker Brochure

Enter your name and email to receive Stan's speaker brochure. Discover how his engaging keynotes, workshops, and his signature GOLDFISH TANK program can transform your next event and inspire your team.