If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door

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Silhouette of a girl standing in a glowing doorway, with the quote "If opportunity doesn’t knock... build a door - Milton Berle" on a textured background.

Looking for your next keynote speaker or workshop presentation?

Milton Berle famously said, “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”

I was reminded of the quote recently while watching JK Simmons’ portrayal of Berle in the movie “Saturday Night.”

It’s one of my favorite quotes. And a powerful reminder that no one is waiting for you. There’s no secret panel of judges behind the curtain deciding if you’re “worthy” of being picked or called.

The world doesn’t owe you anything. No one hands you your shot.

It’s on you to create your opportunities. You don’t need anyone’s permission to start.

The hard part is figuring out WHAT you want to do. Once you nail down the what, the HOW magically has a way of showing up.

It’s not about luck or timing. It’s about effort, creativity, and persistence. Build that DOOR. Opportunity is waiting for you to create it.

Get going. Make it so…

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