Contact Stan Phelps
Schedule a call or fill out the contact form below and we'll be in touch ASAP.
Or, for more immediate assistance, call Stan at +1-919-360-4702
Stan's Schedule/Availability*
(SCROLL LAST 30 AND next 90 Days BELOW)
*conf = confirmed & held = tentative hold
Any date not listed is currently open

(SCROLL LAST 30 AND next 90 Days BELOW)
*conf = confirmed & held = tentative hold
Any date not listed is currently open
Every time we do business together, Something amazing happens in the world!

When we complete a GOLDFISH TANK, we give 1001 days of clean water to school children

When we complete a GLOBAL engagement, we give 365 days of clean water access in Peru, 120 days of learning aids in Malaysia, and 50 days of business training for women in Malawi